PinnedTop 5 Complaints from Your First Week Back at the OfficeCompanies who still haven’t figured out how to tell if employees are actually producing are calling their employees back to the office to…Jun 17, 20222Jun 17, 20222
PinnedPublished inPredict8 Reasons Your Boss Needs You Back in the OfficeAnonymous social media site Blind shows the real reasons CEOs like Tim Cook want workers back in the office post-pandemicJun 17, 2021113Jun 17, 2021113
PinnedPublished inPredict6 Bizarre Ways Software Developers Get FiredWhether they’re hacking their own companies or playing League of Legends for 40 hours a week, these developers all have one thing in common…Aug 9, 202114Aug 9, 202114
PinnedPublished inPredictAnonymous Confessions from Tech Workers Who Average $500k Income a YearTeamBlind is a professional social network where overpaid technology workers relentlessly post about their inflated TC, or total…Jun 14, 20223Jun 14, 20223
PinnedPublished inPredictThe True Cost of Your Commute Is Retiring a MillionaireCompanies who don’t allow remote work are saving billions of dollars by costing their employees long-term wealth.Jul 25, 20213Jul 25, 20213
Published inPredictHow to Get Promoted at Your Meaningless Office JobStop reading your email and start drafting your legacy of incompetence.Oct 13, 20211Oct 13, 20211
Published inPredictNo, Working from Home Isn’t Ruining Your Sex LifeDebunking the most common work-from-home myths.Aug 21, 20212Aug 21, 20212
Yeah, my employer might care about the culture, but do they know why they care?I'm not saying you shouldn't encourage your employees to bond, but in the past, when I've worked at companies who pushed office culture, it…Aug 9, 2021Aug 9, 2021
LOL. No. My job is a paycheck, and when you try to convince me it's something more, I wonder about…Aug 4, 20219Aug 4, 20219
I can't say this loudly enough - I really and truly do not care about your office culture.Aug 4, 20214Aug 4, 20214